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React is a declarative, component-based, open-source Javascript library for building user interfaces. Being independent of the rest of your stack, it can be used directly in the front-end, rendered in a Node.js back-end, or used to write mobile applications in its React Native incarnation.
React is suitable for both small websites and huge web applications, and it excels at displaying data that changes over time without the user having to refresh the website. It handles only the user interface part of applications, which would classify it as the View part of the standard MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. While perfectly able to be stand-alone, it can even be used together with other front-end Javascript libraries and frameworks, such as AngularJS.
The initial open-sourced release of React was in 2013, which makes it a mature technology, currently in use by giants such as Netflix,
Imgur, Walmart, and others. React has been in constant development since its very beginning, with React Native, having been open-
sourced in early 2015, and the latest improvement, React Fiber having been announced in April 2017.
As you can see, React is both stable and time-proven, while also cutting-edge with constant improvements. It has been the main
competitor of Google’s AngularJS v1 and v2, and, some would claim, has won the battle for front-end supremacy, while others prefer
to join both.
React code is primarily “plain of’ Javascript”, though its components are typically written in JSX, a Javascript extension syntax, which allows for the use of HTML tags within Javascript code. However, this is just syntactic sugar, which means that it is not strictly unavoidable, though recommended by many developers.
React is a front-end library with several notable features, which should be of interest to anyone considering it:
The React Architecture applies even beyond just HTML rendering. For example, it supports rendering to tags, and it is suited for isomorphic architecture, i.e. application logic that runs both on the server and the client. This allows for several optimizations and, though not as widely adopted as one would expect, is certainly worth considering.
The programmer no longer has to manually figure out the diffs in HTML code that should be rendered, nor do they have to manually update specific parts of the webpage. React’s Virtual DOM enables the programmer to simply write code as if the webpage were loaded anew with every update, and React will automagically figure out the diff and update the view accordingly.
To keep things clean, React does not allow component renderers to mutate any values passed to it. Instead, the components can be passed callbacks, which modify values. Essentially, this ensures that the data mutation logic and the rendering stay separate, which provides good reusability. This “data down, actions up” philosophy also perfectly combines with one of many programmers’ favorite state management library for React, the functionally-inspired Redux, which works with both React and React Native.